What is considered an ATV or UTV?
The Wisconsin DNR provides registration services for ATVs and UTVs. Only those ATVs and UTVs that meet statutory definitions can be registered and used on public trails and/or roadways. There are many sizes of ATVs and UTVs available for purchase, but not all are eligible to be registered in Wisconsin or used on Wisconsin ATV/UTV trails and/or roadways.
If you have specific questions on what can be registered as an ATV or UTV, please review the following PDFs from the Wisconsin DNR website.
What are the guidelines for registration decal placement and rear plates for ATVs and UTVs?
ATVs and UTVs operating within the state that meet the statutory definitions need to be registered as either public use, private use – agricultural, or private use – non-agricultural. Registration decals must be properly displayed on the machine.
ATVs and UTVs registered with the DNR are issued two (2) decals. The decals must be displayed on BOTH sides of the machine by its own adhesive, in a position that is forward of the operator and visible to law enforcement. Until decals are received by mail, operators must carry the temporary operating receipt issued for the machine. Operators should carry all necessary registration cards and paperwork with them for display to a law enforcement officer upon request.
In addition, all ATVs and UTVs registered for public use will be required to furnish a rear plate that displays the registration number. Plates can be created or purchased. A sponsor of ours, Designs by Jill does offer these for purchase.
Plate Specifications
- The plate must be a minimum of 4″ high and 7.5″ wide and made of WHITE material. Ideal materials would be hard plastic or something that holds up in the elements.
- The registration number must be made of BLACK lettering at a minimum of 1.5″ high with a minimum 3/16″ stroke. Ideal font styles would be Sans Serif and in bold.
- Only the four registration numbers and two (2) letters need to be on the plate. The registration number can be found on both decals and the registration card.
- The owner must maintain the plate so it is in legible condition, and the plate shall be attached to the rear of the vehicle.

What are the types of ATV and UTV registrations for Wisconsin?
Wisconsin Public Registration
$30 for first time registration | $30 for two (2) year renewal
Valid for legal operation on public trails, road routes, frozen waterways and private property. Not valid for agricultural use. Valid for up to two (2) years, beginning April 1st and expiring two (2) years later on March 31st. Machines registered for public use are required to display their registration ID number on a rear plate. Customers who remit fees on or after January 1st will receive decals valid for the next registration year and will expire two (2) years later on March 31st. Customers who remit registration fees before January 1st will receive registration decals valid for the remainder of the current registration year and will expire one (1) year later on March 31st. Registration fees are NOT pro-rated.
Wisconsin Private Use | Agricultural Registration
$15 one-time fee | Valid until ownership is transferred
Allows private registration for agricultural use if the machine is used for an agricultural purpose. Agricultural purpose includes a purpose related to the transportation of farm implements, equipment, supplies, or products on a farm or between farms. It is valid during operation on public roads for agricultural purposes, but is NOT valid for operation on public, frozen waterways or public lands open to ATVs/UTVs. Owners may purchase an additional registration for their machines for public use if they intend to ride on public trails. Private use – agricultural registration remains valid until ownership is transferred.
Wisconsin Private Use | Non-Agricultural Registration
$15 one-time fee | Valid until ownership is transferred
Valid for use exclusively on private lands owned by the applicant or by an immediate family member. “Immediate family” means persons who are related as spouses, who are related as siblings, or who are related as parent and/or child.) This type of registration remains valid until ownership is transferred.
How do I register my ATV or UTV as a Wisconsin Resident?
All decals and certificates are mailed regardless of the type of service option you select.
Visit GoWild.wi.gov to complete your ATV and/or UTV registration. You can renew the registration of an ATV or UTV already listed in your name, as well as register a recently purchased ATV or UTV into your name. Online registration allows you to print a temporary operating receipt valid for 21 days that you may use to ride prior to receiving your decals and registration card in the mail. You can also order replacement decals and registration cards.
DNR Service Centers
DNR Service Locations can renew the registration of an ATV or UTV already listed in your name, as well as register a recently purchased ATV or UTV into your name. DNR will provide a 21 day temporary operating receipt that you may use to ride your ATV or UTV prior to receiving the registration decals and registration card in the mail. You can also order replacement decals and replacement registration cards.
By Mail
Complete the ATV/UTV Registration Application Form 9400-376 and mail the application with appropriate fees to the address provided on the form. If the decals have expired, applicants must wait to receive materials in the mail before they can operate their ATV or UTV.
Purchased from a Commercial ATV/UTV Wisconsin Dealer
At the time of the sale, the Wisconsin ATV/UTV dealer will complete and submit an ATV/UTV registration application on your behalf. Your copy of the application form signed by the dealer or a temporary operating receipt must be carried with you while operating the ATV or UTV until your decals and registration card are received in the mail. Dealers are to submit registration to the DNR within five (5) days of the sale.
What are the trail pass guidelines for Non-Residents?
When bringing an ATV or UTV into Wisconsin from your home state, a non-resident can operate their ATV or UTV on designated ATV/UTV corridors and frozen waterways with either a non-resident ATV/UTV trail pass affixed to the ATV/UTV or if the operator is in possession of a valid non-resident five (5) day trail use receipt. Non-residents who keep their ATV or UTV in Wisconsin must register their ATV or UTV in Wisconsin.
Annual Trail Pass
$35 per year | Expires March 31st of each year
A non-resident can operate an ATV or UTV in Wisconsin with an annual non-resident ATV/UTV trail pass issued by the Wisconsin DNR which needs to be clearly displayed on a location forward of the operator.
- Non-resident annual trail passes may be purchased online on your personal electronic device or over the counter at any DNR Service Center.
- A non-resident trail pass is required to operate an ATV or UTV not currently registered in Wisconsin on any ATV or UTV trail.
- An ATV or UTV operated on frozen waters needs to display a valid Wisconsin public use ATV/UTV registration or a non-resident ATV/UTV trail pass.
- The trail pass must be affixed by its own adhesive in a highly visible location on the forward half of the ATV or UTV. It cannot be removed or transferred to another ATV or UTV.
- A temporary operating receipt (printed on plain white paper) will be issued upon order of an annual ATV/UTV trail pass and allows you to operate immediately. Regardless of how you place your order, the physical trail pass decal will arrive in the mail in approximately two (2) weeks.
5 Day Non-Resident Trail Use Receipt
$20 per five (5) days | Expires at the end of the fifth day
The operator must carry the 5 day non-resident trail use receipt that is received at the time of order. No decal is issued.
- A non-resident 5 day trail use receipt can be purchased online or at any DNR Service Center. The 5 day ATV/UTV trail use receipt must be carried by the operator at all times.